thank you!
To our generous community of individual donors,
corporate donors and grant funders.
The list below includes gifts received during the 2023-2024 Fiscal Year.
Donate TODAY to add your name!
15th anniversary sponsors

2024 Sponsors & donors

Our heartfelt thanks to our generous 2023-2024 donors.
Please let us know if there is an error or omission.
Barlow Family Foundation The Capital Group Charitable Foundation Friends of the Lafayette Library
The Mulvaney Family Pease Family Foundation Laurie and Duane Phillips Bret and Karen Taylor
NOBEL CIRCLE ($5,000 - $9,999)
Kathy and Richard Bowles Lafayette Community Foundation Joe and Lisa Downes
Mark and Katherine Lefanowicz Cathy and Steve McLin Mechanics Bank Laura and Gregg Perloff
PULITZER CIRCLE ($1,000 - $4,999)
The Anthony Family Gift Fund Ann and Peter Appert Matthew and Catherine Bertics
Jennifer and Will Birdsey Malaika Stoll and Steven Bliss Sarah and Steven Blumenfeld David Bohne and Thomas Bye Tracy and Spencer Brog Jackie Carson and Alan Cox Matt Cowger Gloria C. Duffy and Rodney Diridon
Jim and Karen Evans Norma and Bob Evans Mike Gilson and Cathy Blake Anne and Marshall Grodin
John and Susan Gyulai Diana and Mel Haas Virginia Hazlewood Tom and Elizabeth Henry
Rita Iorfida and Walter Harrower Kasa Properties The Mervyn L. Brenner Foundation, Inc.
Judy Kirkpatrick and Roy Powell Jr. Jahanna and Thomas Knight Raj and Rupy Krishnan
Todd and Betty La Porte Republic Services William and Ana Lau Donald and Susan Lewis Marcia Linn
Steve and Nicole Long The Lyon Family Daryl and Mary McCosker Dan and Meredith Meade Michael Melewicz
Mary P. Nash Susan Nurock Kirsa Phillips and Doug Cardoni The Platt Family Lafayette Chamber of Commerce
Roger and Jeane Samuelsen Ted and Susie Schaefer Bill Shurtleff Simpson PSB Fund
Cheri and Glenn Smith Lisa and Joe Spiegler Richard and Linda Staaf George and Alice Turner
Melody and Jerry Weintraum Laney Whitcanack and Jon Deane
Richard Whitmore and Jacinta Pister Betsy Willcuts Fred and Diane Wilt
Norah and Jacob Woodsey Loring and Beverly Whyllie
NEWBERY CIRCLE ($500 - $999)
Anonymous Lisa and Dan Albert Anduri Family Charitable Fund David and Jeanne Atwood
Vickie Barclay Louise Bilter Bruce and Teresa Caldwell Stephen Alexander and Caz Cazanov
James and Marissa Comins Alycia Doshi Gloria S. Cohen Duffy William Espey and Margaret Edwards
Patricia Schiedler and James Evans Roger and Pat Falcone Steven and Nancy Falk Mary Ann Hoisington
Robin Holt Todd and Alice Jacobson John and Gwenn Lennox Marty Lenzi John and Pamela Lewerenz
Nikki Maziasz Richard and Laurie Miles Andrew Ogden David Osborn and Julie Morgan
Suzy Pak and Mark Gundacker Judith Peak Lawrence E. Peirano Lloyd Poche Wendy and Peter Read
Michael and Tricia Roumbanis John and Ruth Sechler Greg and Mimi Smith Aaron Strout
READERS CIRCLE (up to $499)
Click HERE for the List of Readers Circle Donors